absolutelyutterlyfcuking RIDICULOUS

So the sweatbox of a waiter decided he wanted to be a smartass or funny or something and overcharge me for the bill on Saturday. I just happened to check BOA and realized I'd been charged $40.50 when I know for a FACT that I wrote a nice even $35 on the receipt! Not only did he overcharge me, but he over charged my sister AND her fiance!

Well, Mr. Sweatbox must not know that the one thing that will completely PISS me off is when you are "f*&%ing with my money!"

I have BOA on speed dial, and just that quick, within 5 minutes, my claim was filed and resolved and my $5.50 is back in my account. Next call.....Sake Cafe....I'm about to GO IN and get loose on this phone call!

I guess he was right...I'se a biotch....ha!


Unknown said...

Maybe now you will stop being such a bitchy bitch bitch when you go out to eat!!
You make is seem like your "request" was simple but anyone who has been out with you before knows you are on that "water with 3 cubes of ice and 2 squirts of orange essence" type shit!! I knew from the moment he had trouble comprehending what you wanted it was all bad.
You said you had your roll like that before.... BS!! They probably told your ass that and put the regular shit in there. LOL!
You say he was messing with YOUR money.... Well you are messing with mine AND my health because he probably spit all in our food!!!!!