
So my sister has been trying to get me to write more. She's actually been PRESSING ME. (Oh yeah Gigi...I am taking shots at you. LOL)….but sometimes there just isn’t anything to write about...sometimes my life really isn't that funny.... Or in most cases, I can’t really find the words to express what I wanna say…..until a few minutes ago. I'm sitting at my desk looking at the clock on my computer, counting down how much longer I was gonna have to sit here and pretend to be working when I heard,…"Our God is an awesome God he reigns” over and over and over again….

Now you would think if Mary’s phone was ringing constantly, that she had probably stepped out of the room…..no no. she hadn’t. She’s sitting six feet away from me. LETTING HER PHONE RING. I wonder if there is a polite way for me to show her how to use the ignore button. Anyway, it was annoying, but it was the perfect catalyst for me to start writing.

A few weeks ago, my sister and I flew to New York to do some wedding stuff. As always, we were rushing through the airport, and even though I was starving, I had no time to stop and grab a bite. (Five Guys was CALLING MY NAME!) So we once we boarded our flight and pushed off from the gate, USAirways makes an announcement…..the plane won’t be going anywhere for 45 minutes. They only pushed off early so the airport records would show that they had an on time departure. WTF! This pissed me off royally because my stomach was growling and we were sitting on the tar-mack only like 100 yards away from Five Guys....(clearly I was starving. LOL)

My sister and I start chatting and playing with my neice when we hear, "Can't Nobody...Love me better. Makes me Happy....."

This is the ring tone for the passenger sitting across from us. This man let the ENTIRE song play. We sat the baffled as to why he thought this was appropriate. But before we could even whisper and talk shit about him and his ring tones.....HIS PHONE RANG AGAIN! Another 80's diva song...in its entirety. LOL! WTF.

Not only did we get the "pleasure" of listening to his whimsical musical selections, but we got to hear his loud, ridiculous colorful conversations about how he was going to New York to "do it big for his birthday", and he told "girlfriend to have a seat until he arrived". LOL.

I hate ring tones. I think they're horrible.

Death of Ringtones.....2002

la da da da… hey hey hey goodbye...


Anonymous said...

hey! i have one ringtone.. for that 'someone special' :) everyone else gets the generic ring

Charlyn said...

Loved this! Vibrate should be the only available tone for people over 25. I did recently get a few ringtones from crackberry but immediately thought it was a waste of time because my phone is always on vibrate- as it should be w/ the world.

But hey, these ringtones described the people's personalities to a T.

d. christina said...

Good point Charlyn...I def didn't even think about that. Girl I forgot to add that this fool decided he waned to sing too. My sister is gonna add her commentary on that later. LOL